Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A big question in a small mind - What are the pre-requisites to install Networker ?

Okay... Here is the big question for every newbie who wants to install Networker in their environment. I strongly recommend approaching your EMC reps to get an idea about what is what. 

But I can give a summary of my install steps. 

1) Download Networker from the website using your EMC customer account.

2) Use Windows server 2008 R2 or appropriate OS to install your Networker server package and Management console. I suggest use Windows server 2008 R2 SP1 Enterprise as your "Server" and the rest are clients. I have installed Windows server 2008 R2 SP1 on my x64 based Core i5 processor with 20 Gigs RAM. If you are really interested in using vCenter VMs as your server and clients - then you install them as per your requirements.

3) A minimum version of JRE 1.6.26 or greater is required to launch the Networker Management console. Disable any automatic updates for Java.  I suggest installing both x86 and x64 versions of JRE.

4) Windows firewall should be disabled.

5) Do not install chrome or any other browser before your first launch of Networker Management console. If you do so, you will never be able to launch the NMC (I will use NMC from now) on your server as it will disable the "gconsole.jnlp" file from launching the NMC permanently after multiple reboots of your server.

6) Do not install any Anti-virus softwares as it will disable / create issues with your NMC ports (9000/9001).

Thats it! - I suggest using a simple setup for your NMC server and it runs the best way it can without any issues.

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